The Cats

    Our kids:

        We've got four cats...and then some!  Big Boy is Simons cat and then along came Toffee, he's my baby, well he is when Simon isn't around anyway.  We acquired Smeggy when my brother had to move back home and couldn't take him there because my mum has already got three cats of her own.  KC came along when her owners moved away and "forgot" to take her with them, she's a bit of an old lady but she still has her mad minutes. 

        The "then some" cats are the other cats from around the neighborhood who just pop in every now and again to clear up the food that ours don't eat, apart from White cat who seems to spend more time around here than she does at home.  We think she's Smeggy's girlfriend!  We don't mind them coming round and ours don't mind them eating the leftover food because that means their dishes are empty and they know that we'll put more food down for them if they look like they're hungry! 

        They're our kids and the only ones we want, they don't want their bums wiping, they're not always demanding attention, we don't need to find babysitters, apart from the occasional time we go away for the weekend.  They don't want everything with a label on it, apart from Whiskas and Felix!  Oh and Princes Tuna in Brine!  And last but not least, they give you unconditional love.  They still wake you up at four in the morning though for their breakfast but at least you don't have to wait for them to go back to sleep again before you can go back to bed!

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Big Boy

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White Cat

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