Dog's of my dreams

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        I would love to have a dog, with four cats it's not possible and besides which Simon doesn't like dogs.  I think they're lovely though and so are all animals!  I had one dog called Bruce, he was a cross between an Alsatian and a Whippet and boy could he run!  His colourings and markings were that of an Alsatian but his build was that of a Whippet.  Mum and dad got him when he was a puppy and I was a baby and so we grew up together and I was heartbroken when he died at the age of seventeen.  We had other dogs at home but Bruce outlived them all.  That's probably the reason that my favorite breed of dog is an Alsatian or German Shepherd.  I know a lady that breeds Malamute Huskies and they would probably be my second choice of dog, they are big dogs and look lovely and cuddly!  She takes them to shows and they have won awards, she also has a sledge so they can do what they are renowned for....pulling sledges!

        This is a photo of Lady, a dog that used to live next door to my mum.  She was lovely and I used to go round there every weekend and take her for walks.  She would hear me walking down the path to hers and would be laying on her back waiting for me to tickle her tummy when I got there, then she wouldn't settle until she saw me coming out of the house with her lead in my hand.  We used to go for nice long walks over the back of the village.  Then her owners moved away and I could no longer take her out each weekend but I still used to go and visit her now and again.

        The closest I have come to having a dog since Bruce died is sponsoring a dog from the NCDL (National Canine Defense League).  I did a sponsored dog walk a couple of years ago with some friends and we raised £200 for them.  I had to borrow a dog of course, which I was lent very kindly by the lady that breeds the Malamutes.  I couldn't have one of those though because it would have taken me for a run rather than me taking it for a walk so I borrowed one of her rescue dogs instead.  You can sponsor a dog too from the NCDL, the dogs up for sponsor are the ones that they are unable to re home for various reasons, they never put a healthy dog to sleep and so those that can't go anywhere else stay with them.  You get a picture of your dog and a certificate and regular updates as to how he or she is doing.  You can also go and visit your dog, as long as you let them know that you want to visit.  

I will have a dog one day..... one way or another!!!

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