I love dolphins


        I think that Dolphins are wonderful mammals.  I've been collecting them for several years and have had to put a ban on people buying them for me at the moment because I've got so many that I've run out of space to put them without the house looking too cluttered. 

        There is still lots of dolphin stuff I would like and will get in time but for now I'm having a break. I like pictures of dolphins and whales as well of ornaments of them.  A friend of a friend took a photo of a dolphin out in New Zealand from the back of a small boat. The dolphin was following the boat and the picture is brilliant, I've had the photo blown up but it still sits in its storing place because I haven't found a frame for it yet.  I would like to swim with dolphins in their natural habitat, that's where they belong, but I can't ever see that happening.  I can't swim that well!!

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Some of my Dolphins

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