My family

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        What can I say, I've got a mum, a dad and a brother!  I think I get my hair colour from my mum, my eye colour from my dad and nothing from Dean as he's younger than me!  My mum is a housewife and a very good one at that.  My dad is an HGV driver and drives for a local firm near to where they live and my brother Dean is about to take his HGV test because he wants to be like his dad!  Dad likes nothing more than getting stuck in to some DIY at home and doesn't make a bad job of it either, mum supervises!  Dean likes playing on his play station and listening to his music when he's not working.  Mum and dad like going out and are making up for all those years when they couldn't go out because they'd got us to look after, in fact I think they go out more than me sometimes!

        The other photo on this page is of my mums mum and her boyfriend TedNans name is Phyllis, but Simon calls them Bill and Ted, (Bill and Ted's bogus journey!!).  They DO go out more than I do these days, nan likes nothing more than a good sound to dance to, a drink and her fags!  But as you can see from this photo neither of them have got the energy to do either!  The photo was taken after one of mums boxing day dinners and for twenty odd years on boxing day this would be the result in the afternoon!  They are full of life though and still enjoy going out and nan is well known for wanting to get up and sing when one of the country bands she goes to see is playing nearby. 

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Nan & Ted

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