Other Cats

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Other cats

        Other cats, well there are some piccies on here of my mums cats, my friends cats and maybe some others.  People think that because we've got four cats that I'm cat mad.  Well I suppose I am but originally I would have had a dog, but I'm not allowed one.  More about that in the "Dogs" bit.  My mum has three cats, Lou Lou, Fuffy and P-3P-3 is the eldest at twelve-ish, I was still living at home when dad brought her home from work.  One of the lads he was working with found her in a Pirelli tyre with the number 3 on it, hence her name P-3.  She slept on my bed from the second night that we had her right up until the day I left home, she still comes to me whenever I go to my mums and sits on my lap.  Lou Lou and Fuffy are sisters, their mum was abandoned in the village where my mum lives and she chose our house to see if she could find some food.  We took her in only to find that she was pregnant and she had five cute little kittens, four girls and one boy, there are some photos of them and their mum.  Unfortunately Ginnie (their mum) was killed on the road six weeks after they were born.  Mum kept two of the kittens, Lou Lou and Fuffy, her friend had the other fudgy coloured one and named her Fudge and the other two went to an aunt.

        The other piccies of cats on here are of some of my friends cats, Bootsie, Snudge and Felix.  A friend and I regularly go and visit the Cats Protection League shelter which isn't too far away from where I live.  We go and give the cats the cuddle and  fuss that the staff there don't always have the time to do with so many cats there.  It is good to see though that each time we go there are different cats there with a few of them already reserved to go out to their new homes.  There are some lovely cats and kittens there and some of them with very sad stories.  I would bring them all home but my other half would go mad!  I've had a few people ask me where the best place is to get a cat and I always say the Cats Protection League, the cats there are inoculated and neutered and you can even get them chipped.  And it's nice to know that some poor little cat will get another chance at a happy life.

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Lou Lou & P-3











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